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Assessment and evaluations for class placement occur during the first class and at six-month intervals.  Initial class placement is determined by experience/skill first, then by age.  Please understand that dancers may be promoted to higher levels because of ability, effort, and progress as determined and recommended by Melinda's School of Dance instructors.



A class may be cancelled if there are fewer than 5 dancers at any given time throughout the year.  Classes may be cancelled due to inclement weather.  Troy classes will follow the Troy Area School District school closings for inclement weather. When the area schools cancel after-school or weekend activities, our classes will also be canceled.  Listen to your local radio stations for weather cancellations.  We will post the announcement on our Facebook page @ Melinda’s School of Dance and in email.  Please be sure we have a current email on our records to keep you up to date.


Attendance is critical for skill progression and dance choreography.  Absences from class can hold up the rest of the class from learning dance choreography and skill progression when the missed instruction must be repeated.  Please respect your fellow dancers by regularly attending class.  In addition, those students who participate in private lessons and/or participate in competition, "Dance the World," or other special events, must attend all weekly practices and  group classes to continue eligibility for events and/or private lessons.  Of course,  we understand that some absences may be necessary due to illness or other necessary reason.  In those cases, we ask that you email us at and report any foreseen absences from class. Tuition for classes missed is nonrefundable but missed classes may be made up by attending a comparable class before the end of the current session.


Appropriate attire must be provided for my child to participate in class.  Hair needs to be secured in a bun/ponytail and all loose ends need to be secured out of eyes.  All jewelry must also be removed.


Please refer to the  Registration page of this website for our policy regarding registration.


Please refer to the  Tuition page of this website for our policy regarding  tuition and private lesson fees.


We are happy to accommodate and serve all children, ages 4 - 17, with the interest in learning dance and/or gymnastics at our studio.  If your child has any special needs/accommodations, please make us aware of those needs as soon as possible.  Please be sure to report any health issues (including but not limited to allergies, injuries, illnesses, etc.) that would affect participation in our classes to us as soon as possible.  In the case of injury that would affect/prevent participation in our classes or performances, a doctor's release to resume participation should be presented upon return, and it is the teacher/coach's discretion when the participant may return to partial/ full participation in our studio's classes/performances. We ask that those who are ill stay home to reduce the spread of communicable diseases or viruses.  Participants are encouraged to bring healthy snacks to class or during rehearsals.  Water or clear liquid and/or crackers, fruit, or other healthy snacks are permitted.  Soda, juice, or other drink or snack, that may soil costumes or the studio environment, are not permitted.  For safety purposes, dancers/gymnasts are asked to refrain from gum or candy during class, rehearsal, and/or performance. 


At Melinda's School of Dance, we pride ourselves with a talented teaching staff, who is dedicated to planning and delivering high quality instruction and learning activities. Sometimes, though, even with the best intent and planning, behavior issues may arise. We consider behavior issues any words, actions, or threats that intimidate, humiliate, or harm an individual and prevent skill progress. When these situations affect the dancers/instructor or interrupt/stop the class from functioning, we will handle the situation in the best interests of the individuals affected and the class. Strategies may include, but are not limited to, individual/group discussions, individual/group meetings, and time-out. When the class has concluded, we will make every attempt to notify the parents/guardians of the situation and our strategies to improve these issues. In return, we also ask for open communication and that parents/guardians meet with us in person, rather than emailing, texting, or messaging, to discuss any concerns or issues. It is our hope that participants  and their parents/guardians will be able to work with us to prevent, discuss, and circumnavigate any instances of inappropriate or harmful acts/words so that all dancers/gymnasts may enjoy and learn dance/gymnastics skills in a peaceful, positive, safe environment. 



Melinda's School of Dance reserves the right to terminate or refuse service to any student, parent, or legal guardian for any reason, including, but not limited to not adhering or complying with the policies set forth above or for the interference/intimidation/coercion for class placement, assignment of dance performance roles, or instruction.​

 © 2024 by Melinda's School of Dance, Columbia Cross Roads, PA

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